Advanced-CAMS-Audit Exam Review & Advanced-CAMS-Audit Reliable Guide Files

Advanced-CAMS-Audit Exam Review & Advanced-CAMS-Audit Reliable Guide Files

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ACAMS Advanced-CAMS-Audit Reliable Guide Files, Advanced-CAMS-Audit Reliable Dumps Free

Our ACAMS Advanced-CAMS-Audit practice exam simulator mirrors the Advanced-CAMS-Audit exam experience, so you know what to anticipate on Advanced CAMS-Audit Certification Exam (Advanced-CAMS-Audit) certification exam day. Our Advanced CAMS-Audit Certification Exam practice test PassReview features various question styles and levels, so you can customize your ACAMS Advanced-CAMS-Audit Exam Questions preparation to meet your needs.

ACAMS Advanced CAMS-Audit Certification Exam Sample Questions (Q47-Q52):

Which are methods to test internal controls related to the CDD and KYC process? (Select Two.)

  • A. Review the accuracy of the gap analysis of the CDD and KYC policies and procedures against local regulations.
  • B. Evaluate the results of the sample testing of new and existing customer relationships for adherence to the CDD and KYC process.
  • C. Confirm with client onboarding teams whether or not high-risk customers exist.
  • D. Ask the account officers whether the CDD and KYC information provided is correct.
  • E. Confirm if suspicious activity reports were filed following escalation for non-compliance with the CDD and KYC process.

Answer: A,B

Testing Internal Controls:
* C. Gap Analysis: Ensures policies are compliant with local regulations and address identified risks.
* D. Sample Testing: Verifies that processes are effectively implemented in practice for both new and existing customers.

Which does a financial institution (FI) need to do when outsourcing an independent audit?

  • A. Choose an audit firm based on price consideration and geographic location.
  • B. Select an audit firm based on recommendations from the AMI compliance officer.
  • C. Ensure that the scope of the audit and the experience of the auditors match the needs of the Fl.
  • D. Investigate whether the audit firm has conducted prior audits with the Fl.

Answer: C

Selecting an Audit Firm:
* The scope and expertise of the audit firm must align with the institution's risk profile and regulatory requirements to ensure the audit's effectiveness.
Best Practices in Outsourced Audits:
* Properly scoping and selecting auditors with relevant AML/CFT experience ensures compliance and minimizes operational risks.
CAMS-Audit Guidance:
* Advanced CAMS-Audit emphasizes the importance of tailoring audit scopes and selecting experienced auditors for outsourced engagements.

Considering recent changes in the bank's correspondent banking business. Which is the most important risk indicator for the internal auditor to review?

  • A. The management and ownership of the respondent bank.
  • B. The jurisdiction in which the respondent bank is located.
  • C. The major business activities of the respondent bank.
  • D. The purpose of the services provided to the respondent bank.

Answer: B

Jurisdictional risk is critical in correspondent banking due to potential exposure to countries with weaker AML
/CFT controls, high corruption levels, or sanctions.

Which can be excluded from an audit report?

  • A. The scope, including the time period to which the opinion pertains
  • B. The overall opinion judgment, or conclusion reached
  • C. The risk or control framework or other criteria used as a basis for the overall opinion
  • D. Overall opinions, judgments or conclusions reached in prior audit reports

Answer: D

Exclusion from Current Audit Reports:
* Prior conclusions are relevant for context but do not belong in the current report, which should focus on new findings and opinions.
Other Options:
* The risk framework, scope, and current conclusions are integral to the current audit report.

Which key risk indicator should the internal auditor consider when reviewing correspondent banking activities?

  • A. Number of respondent banks located in higher risk jurisdictions.
  • B. Size and stature of a respondent bank's operations in its home country.
  • C. Number of correspondent banking relations terminated.
  • D. Volume of transaction activity referred by the respondent bank.

Answer: A

Correspondent banking relationships with banks in high-risk jurisdictions are a key risk indicator, as these relationships often pose greater AML/CFT risks due to regulatory or operational deficiencies in those jurisdictions.


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